The Competition Commission of India, India’s anti-trust and competition regulator, has levied a fine of Rs 936.44 crore on Google for misusing its predominance concerning its Play Store policies. Significantly, it lays down India’s first authorized view on in-app payments by OS operators such as Google and Apple.
The introduction of 75 DBUs is an attempt by the government to take banks to “the doorstep of the poor”. However, its adherence to compliance norms and data privacy will be a key issue in its success
The Court will examine an order of the Punjab and Haryana High Court that allowed a minor Muslim girl to marry a person of her choice. Muslim law is often at odds with other laws in India
The Court has asked High Courts to inform it about criminal cases against politicians pending for over five years and what steps have been taken to expedite trial in such cases
On September 30, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare published the Medical Devices (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2022, through which it notified a new rule, 87A which deals with registration certifi...
While the existing guidelines under the model code of conduct require political parties to explain the rationale for promises made as well as the means to finance such promises, the Election Commission found that the declarations are quite routine, and ambiguous and do not provide adequate information to voters to exercise informed choice in an election.
The Allahabad High Court has observed that in view of the mandate in the Quran, it is clear that bigamy is not sanctified unless a man can take care of his wife and children. The verdict can open another Pandora’s box in interpreting Muslim personal laws.
In a laudable verdict, the Supreme Court said it was unconstitutional to distinguish between a married and unmarried woman with regard to her right to safe abortion between 20 and 24 weeks
In earlier hearings, the Delhi High Court had directed the Delhi government, Railways and Delhi Metro regarding steps taken to establish centres offering basic cardiac life support systems. Now, it wants advanced cardiac life support available at Delhi courts