Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Deep Dive

Last Will, Lasting Impact: A Comprehensive Study of the Law of Wills and its Development

By Vishakha Sharma This research paper delves into the complex subject of the Law of Wills in India, examining its historical origins, fundamental principles, and significant case laws. By explori...

Intersection of Intellectual Property and Artificial Intelligence

In this paper, the main objective is to explore the intricate interplay between Intellectual Property and AI and how the prevailing laws need to be remodelled to reflect the increasing prominence of AI in our daily lives.

Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Space Law

By Dev Dutta The use of technological breakthroughs in outer space to explore, research, and use in an extra-terrestrial environment is not new. Because these innovations have become more of a pri...

Marriage: A sacrament or legal contract?

By Saqlain Shamim Abstract This article speaks about the idea of marriage as a ceremony or a legitimate agreement under the family law. The idea of wedding under the Hindu Marriage Act is to se...

Evolution of Registration Act

By Chaya Singhal Abstract This research paper talks about registration and the law of registration in India. The law of Registration Act has been now amended quite a many times. At the end of t...

Extra judicial killing: Fair or violation of sense of justice?

By Shaurya Singh Sanawar Introduction It wasn’t very long after he surrendered in Ujjain’s Mahakal Temple describing himself as Main Vikas Dubey hun Kanpur Wala that notorious gangster Vikas Du...

Sedition: It’s time for Supreme Court to scrap IPC Section 124A

The sedition law, Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code, has outlived its use in modern India. One hopes the Supreme Court, as the first guardian of citizens when their rights are infringed, puts it in the garbage bin of history.

Blockchain in legal industry

By Riya Krishnatrya Blockchain defined: Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. An ...

International conventions and agreements on sustainable development

For achieving sustainable development, various treaties, conventions, and agreements were signed between the nations to date since Stockholm Declaration, 1972. 

The Role of Cyber Law in Cybersecurity in India

Cyber laws are important because it deals with all the issues relating to the internet, Cyber space and the web which is being used worldwide. Every kind of activity in the cyberspace has some legal perspective.

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