Sunday, March 16, 2025



Locally Vocal

Each time the Prime Minister is scheduled to deliver a speech on television, I can sense the panic on social media. Ever since he announced demonetisation, every speech evokes a sense of panic and emojis of people with their hair standing on end has become fairly common.

Ode to Covid

New words and phrases now define our vocabulary,So out with the old and in with the new conditioning,Covid-19 is changing our lives, and so scarily,that now nothing is more important than S...

Satire: The Covidiots

Today is April 1, a day when people normally play pranks on each other or unsuspecting victims. These are anything but normal times so the jokes will be abandoned and the fake news will be replaced by...

Food for Thought

By Dilip Bobb Stomachs may be growling across the country as the economy continues its slow burn but there’s nothing like an election to stir the pot and raise the heat when it comes to rhetoric. W...

Enemies of the State

By Dilip Bobb Thanks to our very own guntoting Dirty Harry, we have been reliably informed as to who the real enemies of the people are. It’s a long and lengthening list thanks to such progressive ...

The Inquisitor’s Song

By Dilip Bobb Any day now, any way now, that man who may or not be wearing a mask, will be knocking on your door and asking all sorts of probing questions to prove you are who you are, or not, as t...

Urban Angst

By Dilip Bobb Prime Minister Indira Gandhi used the phrase Foreign Hand to suggest an international conspiracy behind those who were against her government. It then morphed into the all-embracing “...

The New Constitution

By Dilip Bobb Hailing a CAB is now the default position for supporters of the ruling party. Much blood, sweat and tears went into its making and much the same is being seen after its official debut...

The Jury is Out—Laughing!

Above: Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay By Dilip Bobb The exchanges below are from a book called Disorder in the Courts and are things people actually said in court. Some classic examples: ...

The Capital’s New Face

Above: Image by Stefan Schmidt-Bilkenroth from Pixabay By Dilip Bobb Delhi has a new face…sort of. No, it is not the grand plan to remake parliament and surrounding areas into a palace fit for a...

News Update