Saturday, March 15, 2025


US News

Will digital trail nail Trump supporters?

If you send text, image, email, click "like" on items on social networking apps, & record voice messages, you leave electronic fingerprints you think are harmless but can be used against you. American politicians & Russian military leadership are learning these lessons in different battlegrounds. 

Religion in Public Schools

A case spurred by a Republican political campaign is aimed at restoring public schools’ authority to indoctrinate students with Christianity. The Constitutional separation of the Church and State has never prevented Christian religious events in grade schools and high schools in the past.

Restoring Court’s Credibility

Chief Justice John Roberts joined the Court’s liberal wing in dissent while blasting the conservative majority in a recent shadow docket case that limits the ability of states to block projects coming under review by the federal Clean Water Act.

Ketanji Jackson becomes first Black woman US Supreme Court judge after Republican climbdown ahead of election season

Several Republicans Senators didn’t make a fuss this time, perhaps because the Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell realized the negative reaction it had created. But by allowing her appointment, the Republicans are clinging desperately to cripple Joe Biden before Donald Trump returns in 2024.

Tale of Two Women

Virginia Thomas, whose husband is Justice Clarence Thomas, was revealed to have played a role as a right wing organizer supporting Donald Trump’s fraudulent efforts to stay in office despite losing the 2020 presidential election. Is this consistent with the behaviour expected of a Supreme Court judge’s spouse?

The US Supreme Court’s Moment of Truth

President Joe Biden is making his first court appointment. Will ideologically split political parties treat the nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson, to a theatrical takedown over issues which have little to do with jurisprudence or judicial temperament?

Ketanji Brown Jackson: How partisan can Biden’s first US Supreme Court appointment become?

The assumption is that Ketanji Brown Jackson might get the same three Republican votes her appeals court appointment brought last year from Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and South Carolina’s Lindsay.

US stance on Ukraine leaves Republican senators mum on Trump support for ’24

Biden’s speech this week on the Ukraine crisis was well received by people who usually have nothing good to say about a Democrat, so polarized are the two political parties. Republican senators and conservative pundits were in strange territory compared to their criticism of Biden.

Snubbing Uncle Sam

By Kenneth Tiven in Washington Many Americans old enough to remember the Watergate burglary hearings that led dramatically to then President Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1974 are mystified how f...

US Supreme Court: Biden’s first choice

By Kenneth Tiven in Washington In an announcement that surprised almost no one, US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer said he will retire at the end of this court term, giving President Joe Bid...

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