Monday, March 10, 2025


Opinion on News

#MeToo: Time is of Essence

Above: A protest in support of journalists who have alleged sexual harassment as part of #MeToo It is important for women in MeToo movement to know that there’s a legal bar on filing complaints of ...

The Floccinaucinihilipilification of #MeToo

~By Sucheta Dasgupta By focussing on the legal way forward for the women complainants and worrying about the future of the #MeToo movement, are we missing the wood for the trees? Are we, guided by ...

How safe are E-Cigarettes?

Above: Smokers who can’t quit may be encouraged to switch to e-cigarettes Photo credit: The health ministry has issued an advisory not to allow the sale of Electronic Nicotine Deli...

IL&FS: India’s Lehman Brothers?

The problems of IL&FS are an indictment of the PPP model. In its eagerness to build infrastructure, the government has ignored flaws in the execution and financing of these projects   ...

Independence of the Bar & Judicial Independence

A press release by the chairperson of the Bar Council of India while raising valid points also questions Justices who have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution   ~By Upendra Baxi ...

Bank Merger: What a Terrible Idea, Sirji!

The ill-timed merger of three troubled PSU banks—Vijaya Bank, Dena Bank and Bank of Baroda—reveals the patchwork policies of the government, resulting in massive losses for shareholders   ...

Church Under Attack: Not in God’s Name

Above: Franco Mulakkal is taken into custody by the Kerala Police after nuns in the state agitated on the streets/Photo: UNI India’s first rape-accused bishop is sent to jail but the Church is leav...

Police Reforms: A Compromised Force

Though 12 years have elapsed since the September 22, 2006, apex court verdict on police reforms, little headway has been made. The police force is more politicised and criminalised than ever before ...

Flood Compensation: End To The Misery

Above: College students preparing packets comprising essential items to be distributed to flood victims in Thiruvananthapuram/Photo: UNI Amidst charges of misuse of flood disaster funds, the Kerala...

Section 377: Brothers in Arms

Though Section 377 has been repealed, Section 46(c) of the Army Act is still valid and makes homosexual relations in the armed forces a crime as it could compromise national security   ~By Maj G...

News Update