Wednesday, March 26, 2025



Security around Bachchans’ houses beefed up by Maharashtra govt

Reacting to Rajya Sabha MP Jaya Bachchan’s claim in Parliament that there were people trying to tarnish the image of the Indian entertainment industry and that this has created a security problem, the Maharashtra government has beefed up the security for the Bachchan family.

Impact of COVID-19 on the Landlord and Tenant issues

A nationwide lockdown was imposed by the Central Government from March 25 to curb the spread of Covid-19 disease. It has significantly affected the relationship of the landlords and tenants. If the tenant has funds available with him then its obligation to pay rent is not impacted.

Landlord Tenant Issues and the main features of the New Tenancy Act

After the partition Delhi saw a huge influx of migrants and the Government was forced to ease rules for the migrants and to re-settle thousands of migrant and the laws were in favour of protecting economically weaker section of the society even for those who cannot pay rent or apply for loan.

Why Facebook Fracas Over T Raja Singh Was Unnecessary

While social media has been blamed for “exploiting” the personal data of citizens, the fact is that these companies cannot be turned into virtual police stations and parliamentary panels can’t meddle with them

Judicial Co-Governance Through Interim Orders

In two orders, the Supreme Court has felt the need for urgent action on a long-delayed matter of construction of smog towers and waste management in Delhi. But was there a judicial overreach in overlooking a cost-effective solution and the rights of co-citizens?

The Principal Driver of State is Now Politics, Not Lawyers

At one time, it was said that political parties like the Congress were being excessively advised by lawyers at the expense of politics. Now power politics dominates. The law is only there to be observed in the breach

Loan Moratorium: Relief Extended for Borrowers

In major succour for borrowers, the Supreme Court extended an interim loan moratorium and told banks not to declare such accounts as non-performing assets till further orders

Don’t stifle dissent, rebels with British era laws

The cynical view of a rebel, living in remote rural or forest communities, could well be uninformed because he has remained untouched by the gigantic strides India has made in every field.

“Wife is Best Guardian”

The Bombay High Court has appointed the spouse of a comatose man as his guardian in order to make it easier for her to access his bank accounts. Similar cases have seen courts taking a sensitive view of the situation.

The Reverse Effect

The outbreak of the pandemic in India and subsequent containment measures such as prolonged lockdowns brought the entire economy to a grinding halt.

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