Sunday, March 16, 2025

Allahabad HC Defers Re-Opening Of Court Premises

The Allahabad High Court has deferred the decision partially opening of Court from today, i.e. 8th May.

In the notice issued by the Court it has been said that the modalities notified in the notification on 6th May, 2020 by the Registrar was kept in abeyance. In the notice earlier both the benches of the High Court were scheduled to open from 8th May, 2020. Consequently, from 8th May, 2020 the notice of Joint Registrar on 1st May, 2020 in regard to listing of cases indicating grounds of urgency in respect of fresh/pending matters, will be applicable.

Chief Justice Govind Mathur on 7th May, 2020 issued the order mentioned below: 

“In continuation of the order dated 22nd April, 2020, we deem it appropriate to issue following directions: –

All interim orders passed by the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad well as at Lucknow, all the District Courts, Civil Courts, Family Courts, Labour Courts, Industrial Tribunals and all other Tribunals in the State over which this Court has power of superintendence, which have been expired subsequent to 19th March, 2020 or are due to expire within a period of one month from today, will continue to operate upto 3rd June, 2020. We, however, make it clear that those interim orders which are not of a limited duration and are to operate till further orders will remain unaffected.”

On 6th May, 2020, the letter was addressed to all the District Court Judges by the Registrar General of the Allahabad High Court with subject to Mechanism/ modalities for functioning of Districts Courts covered under different zones during the period of Lockdown & thereafter.

-India Legal Bureau


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