Friday, March 28, 2025

Bombay High Court directs authorities to dispose of PIL alleging illegal filing of paddy fields within three months

The Bombay High Court at Goa disposed of a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed with the grievance that Petitioner’s complaints about the illegal filling of paddy fields, conversion and sinking of bore wells are not being attended to by the statutory Authorities.

Rohit Bras de Sa ,Advocates for the Petitioners pointed out to the complaint dated 02.08.2023 and other complaints, which are placed on record along with this Petition. The complaints give the survey numbers and even photographs are enclosed to it.

Accordingly, the Bench of Justice M.S. Sonak and Justice Bharat P. Deshpande directed the Authorities to dispose of the complaints within three months by following the principles of natural justice and fair play. The decision on such complaints must be communicated to the Petitioners and the affected parties within three months .

The Advocate General stated that the complaint about the filling of low-lying areas/paddy fields will be dealt with by the Town and Country Planning Authority. He says that the complaint of conversion will be attended to by the concerned Deputy Collector of Mapusa and the complaint as far as sinking of the bore wells is concerned will be looked into by the Executive Engineer, Water Resources Department, Work Division I, Panaji. The Advocate General states that the adversely affected parties will also be granted an opportunity for a hearing.

In the peculiar facts of the case, even the Petitioners should be given an opportunity for hearing, provided they do not seek any adjournment.

Rohit Bras De Sa points out that the complaints have also been made to the Panchayat, based upon which, the Panchayat has also issued notices on the institution of this Petition. Even the Panchayat should take such notices to their logical conclusion. The Panchayat must also dispose of such complaints within a maximum period of three months.


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