Bombay High Court refuses relief on flooding, urges govt for ‘meaningful dialogue’

Bombay High Court

Unable to grant relief in a PIL for flooding in monsoon months, Bombay High Court advised the Water Resources Department of the Centre, the State of Maharashtra and the Central Water Commission to undertake a ‘meaningful dialogue’ to address the issues raised in Raosaheb Alase v Union of India.

Chief Justice Nandrajog and Justice Bharati Dangre cited global changes in weather pattern, like incessant rainfall causing damage to standing crops, livestock and buildings, specially in Kolhapur, Satara and Sangli and also noted that compensation in such cases were policy decisions of the Government.

The PIL filed through Dhairyasheel Sutar also prayed for directions on coordination between the governments of Karnataka and Maharashtra for prudent management of the waters of the river Krishna. The bench however held, “these issues do not have judicially manageable standards.” Court thus refused to pass any order in this matter.

Court directed the respondents to treat the PIL as a representation to them to find a solution to mitigate the problem, if not solve the flooding problem as such.

–India Legal Bureau