Delhi High Court launches Mobile Application

Delhi High Court launches Mobile Application

The Chief Justice of Delhi High Court, CJ DN Patel, inaugurated the mobile application of Delhi High Court services yesterday, making the same digitally accessible while on the move.

An advocate can now use their phone to create and manage a personal case diary on an official and hence reliable platform.

It provides details on case status, display board, cause list, and access to important links of the court’s official website like CJ and sitting Judges, Judges’ Roster, case history and judgements.

The Supreme Court display board too can be tracked through this application.

It is accessible to advocates, litigants and citizens generally. There is an ‘Advocate Login’ area besides being open to use for unregistered guests.

Advocates already registered with the e-filing software can access their content – Advocate Diary, Case status of own cases, applications for e-inspection, online gate pass etc.

While the app is available for download on Google Play for android phones, it is expected to be launched in iOS App Store soon.

Provided by NIC eGOV Mobile Apps, the official provider of government’s e-services on Google Play, several users have downloaded the app and also shared reviews on the forum.

— India Legal Bureau