Saturday, March 1, 2025

Justice Sangita Dhingra Sehgal Of Delhi High Court Tenders Her Resignation

Justice Sangita Dhingra Sehgal, Judge of Delhi High Court has tendered her resignation from the office of judge as she has been appointed as President of Delhi State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission on whole time basis with immediate effect.

The Central Government on Thursday notified the acceptance of resignation of Justice Sehgal. The notification said that “Justice Sangita Sehgal has tendered her resignation from the office of judge, Delhi High Court, in pursuance of proviso (a) to clause (1) of article 217 of the constitution, with effect from 30th May, 2020.

The Delhi Government in its notification has laid down following terms and conditions namely:-

  1. The appointment shall be for a term of five years or till she attains the age of 67 years or which ever is earlier.
  2. She will be entitled to emoluments as are admissible to a sitting judge to a high court.
  3. the other terms and conditions shall be applicable as per the Consumer Protection Act and rules made thereunder.

Justice Sehgal’s Background-

Born on 20th June, 1958 at Chandigarh, (India), Justice Sangita Dhingra Sehgal did her schooling and graduation from Chandigarh in the year 1978, obtained Law Degree (LL.B.) from Delhi University in the year 1981, did M. A. Public Administration from Panjab University in the year 1983, (L.L.M.) in the year 2004 and did her Ph.D. degree from Amity University, Noida in the year 2012. She was elevated to the Bench of High Court of Delhi as “Additional Judge” on 15th December, 2014 and became a Permanent Judge on 2nd June, 2016.

She has also authored the following books :

* “An Exhaustive Guide to the Slum Area (Improvement & Clearance) Act, 1956″ and relevant Rules published in the year 1998 which was foreword by Hon’ble Justice R. C. Lahoti, Chief Justice, Delhi High Court. The second edition of the same was published in the year 2009 which was foreword by Hon’ble Mr. Justice T. S. Thakur, Chief Justice of Punjab & Haryana High Court.

* “Commentary on–The Legal Services Authorities Act” which was published in the year 2012 which was foreword by Hon’ble Mr. Justice T. S. Thakur, Judge, Supreme Court of India followed by its Hindi translation “Vidhik Sewa Pradhikaran Adhiniyam, 1987” published in the year 2016.

* `Woman Know Thyself’ containing different laws relating to Women in India which was published in 2016 and released by Hon’ble Mr. Justice T.S. Thakur, Chief Justice, Supreme Court of India.

Read the appointment order here;

Read the acceptance of resignation by Central Govt;


-India Legal Bureau


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