Saturday, January 25, 2025

Justice Vijaysen Reddy Sworn In As Telangana High Court Judge

On Saturday morning, Justice B. Vijaysen Reddy took oath of the office of the Judge of Telangana High Court. He was appointed as judge on Friday via notification issued by the Central Government.

 The Telangana High Court on Friday has issued a notice on stating that the swearing-in-ceremony of Justice Reddy would take place in the first court hall at 11.40 am. In the said notice it was said that in view of the exigencies caused by the lock down on account of COVID-19 pandemic, the entry into High Court  was restricted and thus all the advocates, officers and staff members were invited to the swearing ceremony via video conferencing available on High Court website.

Judge’s Background:-

Justice B. Vijaysen Reddy was born in Hyderabad on August 22, 1970. His father, late Justice B Subhashan Reddy, was the judge of the erstwhile Andhra Pradesh High Court and had also served as the Chief Justice of Madras and Kerala High Courts before his retirement on March 2, 2005. Vijaysen completed his LLB from PRR Law College and got enrolled as an advocate on December 28, 1994. During his span of 25 years, he has dealt with several cases relating to civil, criminal, land acquisition, arbitrations.

India Legal Bureau


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