Monday, March 10, 2025

Karnataka HC judges,  staff donate 59 lakhs towards COVID-19 relief fund

“The Hon’ble Judges of High Court of Karnataka, the Judicial Officers and staff members working in High Court of Karnataka, the Judicial Officers and the staff members working in all the Courts in the State have contributed towards Covid-19 Relief Fund,” reads the press note issued by Rajendra Badamikar, Registrar General, High Court of Karnataka.

Sharing the contribution by the individuals the release further adds, “Hon’ble Chief Justice and Hon’ble Judges of Karnataka has donated Rs.10,75,000 (includes cheque and online donation.” The judicial officer working in the high court has donated there three salaries which is Rs.6,06321.

Officers, officials and staff members working in the high court have donated there one day salary which total Rs. 42,58,791.

The total amount is more than fifty-nine lakh rupees.

The release also adds that besides the high court staff, the judicial officers working in the state has also donated there three days’ salaries and Officers, officials and staff members working in the court has donated there one day salary to Covid-19 relief fund. The release doesn’t mention the amount donated by the lower court staff.

At the time when the country is facing pandemic Covid-19 crisis which has taken lives of 230 people and more than 6500 people are effected judiciaries across the country is contributing in the Covid-19 relief funds.

Earlier, according to the media reports, thirty-three sitting Supreme Court judges have donated Rs.50,000 each in the PM-CARE fund against Covid-19 pandemic.


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