Sunday, March 16, 2025

Kerala High Court directs respondents to file statements of counter affidavits

The Kerala High Court directed the respondents to file statements of facts/counter affidavits, as the case may be in the matter related to operating Roll-on/Roll-of vessel service (Ro-Ro service) between Vypeen-Fort Kochi ferries without interruption.

The Division Bench of Chief Justice S Manikumar and Justice Murali Purushothaman heard a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by the President of Vypin – Fort Kochi Ferry Passengers Association, which is formed for the welfare of islanders, especially the daily commuters of Roll-on/Roll-of vessel service between Vypeen-Fort Kochi ferries.

It is submitted by the petitioner that the Ro-Ro service has launched in the year 2018. Before launching Ro-Ro service, private operators had been operating Jangaar service between VypeenFort Kochi ferries and they had exploited the users of the Jangar by collecting exorbitant rate of fees, because of absence of any regulatory body.

In this public interest litigation, petitioner highlights the grievance of daily commuters or users of Roll-on/Roll-of vessel service (Ro-Ro service) between Vypeen-Fort Kochi ferries. Reliefs sought for in the petition are as follows:

i) Issue a writ of mandamus or appropriate order or direction directing the respondents to ensure Roll-on/Roll-of vessel service (Ro-Ro service) between Vypeen-Fort Kochi ferries as agreed in agreement, i.e., 60 trips per day from 6 am to 10 pm, including sunday.

ii) issue a writ of mandamus or appropriate order or direction directing the 2nd respondent (Corporation of Cochin) to take steps to get Rs.10 crores, which allocated by the State Government during 2022-23 budget for the operation of Ro-Ro service .


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