Saturday, March 1, 2025

Madras High Court disposes of petition seeking direction to stop electric crematorium in Pennathur Village

“Of course, it is also the responsibility of the respondents to maintain the highest hygienic standards and take care that no air and water pollution takes place.”

The Madras High Court commented above while disposing the Petition filed seeking direction to the respondents to stop the electric crematorium in Pennathur Village, Vellore District by considering the Petitioner’s representation dated 09.10.2023 issued to stop the electric crematorium.

M.Balaji ,counsel for the petitioner submits that the respondents are intending to erect electric crematorium. Due to the construction of the electric crematorium, when corpses are burnt, poisonous smoke coming out of the crematory would pollute the air in the locality. There are many other public places available outside the city. The discharge waste would affect almost 100 acres of agricultural land in the nearby vicinity. Almost 1500 families are residing near the said village.

The State Government Pleader on instructions submitted that the electric crematorium is constructed . The said survey number is classified as a burial ground and is used as a burial   ground since decades.

“If the burial/cremation was permitted since decades, then, the petitioner cannot object for an electric crematorium, as the site is classified and reserved for burial ground”, the Division Bench of Chief Justice Sanjay V. Gangapurwala and Justice D. Bharatha Chakravarthy said.


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