NGT Sets Up Panel To Prepare Action Plan To Check Pollution

National Green Tribunal/Photo: Anil Shakya

The National Green Tribunal has constituted a committee headed by the Secretary, Urban Development of Delhi government which will prepare within one month an action plan  to stop weddings and other such celebratory functions from contributing to the alarming pollution levels in the capital.

A bench headed by NGT Chairperson Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel said enjoyment of few at the cost of happiness of others is neither the culture of this country nor consistent with constitutional values. Weddings leading to massive traffic jams and crackers and generator sets have come under the radar of the NGT which said that liberty to enjoy celebrations cannot be without the accountability for the protection and comfort of others.

“Liberty to enjoy celebrations is welcome but not without any responsibility or accountability for protection of peace and comfort of others. If enjoyment by creating noise pollution, air pollution, water pollution, obstructing free flow of traffic irreversibly damages our limited natural resources in violation of law, such enjoyment has to be checked.

“Wasteful expenditure, adversely affecting the health and welfare of fellow citizens, is against the spirit of Fundamental Duties under Article-51A of the Constitution of India,” the bench, also comprising Justice S P Wangdi, said.

The observations came while hearing a plea alleging that banquets and marriage halls in South Delhi were causing vehicular congestion and environment pollution.

—India Legal Bureau