No hawking, No squatting on Netaji Subash Marg in Delhi, Orders the Delhi High Court

Delhi High Court

Delhi High Court directed on July 19 that no weekly bazaar shall be permitted to be conducted on Netaji Subash Marg which is a non-hawking and non-squatting zone.

The Delhi High Court passed an order in February 2019, in which, as an interim measure, members of the petitioner Association were permitted to carry out a weekly bazaar on Sundays at Netaji Subhash Marg, subject to certain conditions stipulated in the said order.

The weekly bazaar (Saptahik), however, adversely affects the free flow of traffic in Netaji Subahsh Place and the same has been confirmed by a Status Report submitted by the Nr. DMC and the Traffic Police. Further, no space is left for the pedestrians if the weekly bazaar is permitted, thereby forcing them to walk on the road which makes it even more congested.

A zone wise list of squatting/non-squatting and hawking/non-hawking areas under the jurisdiction of the MCD was filed by the Department before the Supreme Court in Gainda and Anr V. MCD and Ors. This list was made after a joint inspection conducted by the officers of the NDMC, PWD, Nr.D.M.C, S.D.M.C, Traffic Police and the ASI and the list specifically indicates Netaji Subash Marg as a non-hawking/non-squatting zone.

The court vacated the interim order passed in February 2019 and decided that no weekly bazaar shall be permitted to be conducted on Netaji Subhash Marg for hawking/squatting.

– India Legal Bureau