Monday, February 24, 2025

Registry drew the Bench’s ire for not listing matters as per orders: Gujarat High Court

The High Court of Gujarat High Court slammed its Registry for not listing the matters as ordered.

The court also warned the officials about taking an action against the those who indulge in such practises in future.

A Division Bench of Chief Justice Aravind Kumar and Justice Ashutosh J Shastri said that there have been numerous occasions where the registry has disobeyed the judicial orders.

The court said that several times the registry decides the matters to be listed as per their fancies deciding what matter to be put and what not to.

The court said we have found that the officials of the Registry sit in judgment over the judicial orders passed by the courts. This practice requires to be highly deprecated.

The Bench said it is the duty of the registry to list the matter  when a judicial order is passed by the Court directs.

The CJ said that Registrar should be cautious and appropriate directions should be issued to the officials of the Registry to list matters as and when judicial order is passed and in compliance thereof.

The Registry drew the Bench’s ire after it failed to list a civil application in a tender matter along with the main petition.

Tue matter came into light as a private entity had challenged the tender procedure of the State through a writ petition. 

A civil application was also filed seeking interim relief of ensuring that the State authorities do not give up a contract to the respondent company. The respondent also filed a response seeking directives.

All these matters were last heard in October, when the Bench had adjourned them for further hearing today,but the matter came up the bench noted that respondent company’s civil application was not listed on the board.

Angry Chief Justice Kumar said that the Registry cannot decide which matter is to be listed and which not while ordering to issue direction to all for listing matters properly..

It subsequently ordered the Registrar (Judicial) to issue instructions and directions to all officials to ensure that matters are listed properly.


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