Govt Need Not Respond At the moment to demands for Rafale Pricing

The Supreme Court of India. Photo: Anil Shakya

Supreme Court on Wednesday clarified that the Govt doesn’t need to respond to the contentions made by petitioners in the Rafael deal on the pricing at the moment. “Until we decide pricing needs to be debated, there is no need for you to reply to petitioners on this aspect,” Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi said as the court took up hearing on the matter

Earlier, the government said it opposed judicial review of purchase of the aircrafts from France. “It is for experts to examine what kind of weaponry and avionics are needed.  I doubt if the Superme Court is really equipped to deal with such an issue”, the attorney KK Venugopal said .The CJI had stated that  since the issue at hand  were the requirements of the Air Force,  someone from the IAF must be called and not anyone from the defense ministry

–India Legal Bureau