SC registry lays down mandatory requirements for scrutinizing fresh matters

Supreme Court Photo by anil shakya

With a view to facilitate speedier verification of matters for early listing, the Supreme Court registry has issued a Circular comprising a check list which has to be scrutinized by the Scrutiny Officers/Officials of Filing Counter.

The Circular says: “…With a view to facilitate speedier verification of matters for their early listing before the Hon. Court, the Competent Authority has been pleased to direct that while scrutinizing fresh matters :

(a) mandatory requirements (11 in numbers, as per ‘Annexure X) shall be examined by the Scrutiny Officers/Officials of Filing Counter:

(b) the requirements of Advocate’s Check List (21 in numbers, whichever is applicable, as per ‘Annexure Y’) shall be ensured to be complied with by the Advocates-on-Record: and

(c) the Advocate-on-Record shall certify on the Advocate’s Check List that he has personally verified the petition & it is in conformity with the Supreme Court Rules, 2013. the requirements of Advocate’s Check List have been complied with; and all the documents necessary for the purpose of hearing of the matter have been filed. As a fresh matter shall be filed with the Certificate of Advocate-on-Record on the Advocate’s Check List that all the documents necessary for the purpose of hearing of the matter have been tiled, the practice of accepting incomplete matters i.e. matters without relevant documents annexures, shall be discontinued.”

Read the circular here.

—India Legal