Monday, February 24, 2025

Supreme Court Advocate-On-Record Association announced financial assistance scheme: COVID19

Supreme Court Advocates-On-Record Association (SCAORA) in a meeting with the EC members of the Association through video conferencing has decided to give monetary assistance to the Advocates on Record who are dire need of it in view of the lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.

It was further resolved in the meeting that the terms of the said Financial Assistance Scheme for Advocates On Record will be as here under:

1. Any Advocate-on-Record (AOR) who wants to avail the benefits of the said scheme is required to furnish a declaration wherein the following details need to be specified:
a) The person availing the scheme is an AOR and the AOR Code of the same shall be mentioned;
b) The AOR applying under the said scheme is in dire financial need;
c) The income of the AOR availing the benefits of said scheme is less than Rs. 6 Lakhs (Rupees Six Lakhs) per annum;
d) No COVID-19 related assistance or benefit, including loan, has been received by the applicant from any other Bar Association in this period.

2. The following details of the AOR availing the benefit of the said Scheme requires to be mentioned in the body of the email along with the aforementioned Declaration:

a) Full Name
b) Date of Birth
c) AOR Code
d) Bank Account details:
(i) Name of the Bank
(ii) Account Number
(iii) Type of Account
(iv) Branch
(v) IFSC Code

3. Each application will be scrutinized as to its veracity and sanctioned after due approval by the EC of SCAORA.

4. The identity of the Advocates On Record seeking benefit under the Scheme will be kept confidential as far as possible.

(The request may be forwarded vide email to [email protected])

-India Legal Bureau 



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