Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Cover Story

Who is a True Sikh?

This is a question that may be exercising many Sikhs as an apex court’s oral order seems to favor Akali Dals who want to debar Sehajdharis or un-baptized Sikhs from voting in the SGPC polls By Vipi...

Abortion For Prisoners: Judiciary Eases Procedure

In a progressive judgment, the Bombay High Court has removed red-tapism for prisoners wanting to abort their fetus and has facilitated faster examination for them in hospitals By Nayantara Roy O...

Indo-Pak ties: Handling a Hot Potato

Despite strident calls for action against our belligerent neighbour, Modi has realized that this is easier said than done. Deft handling and tightening security are the need of the hour By Seema Gu...

Confusion Over Quota In Gujarat

The Gujarat government’s move to provide quotas to the Economically Backward Classes has come unstuck in the High Court. It now awaits resolution in the Supreme Court       By RK Misra in Gandhinag...

Photocopying isn’t copyright violation: Delhi High Court

While dismissing a plea by international publishers, a recent judgment from the Delhi High Court holds that photocopying portions of text books is a legitimate exercise if carried out for academic pur...

Lordships, we beg to differ with Delhi High Court

While many have welcomed the judgment on copyright violations, some have serious reservations about it. Here are three of them By Sampad Patnaik One of the main arguments of the defendants in th...

Pay Scale Anomalies: Arms and the Man

Despite war clouds looming on the horizon, a plaintive plea from the Forces asks the powers-that-be to bring about pay parity between the Services and their civilian counterparts so that their morale ...

Maharashtra: Uprising of the Marathas

The brutal gang rape and murder of a girl has led to protests across Maharashtra and a demand for reservations and abolishing of the Prevention of Atrocities Act. This will culminate in Mumbai by Octo...

Madras High Court hit by fund crunch

In a sign of growing tension, the Tamil Nadu government has not given enough funds for the judiciary, forcing the Madras High Court to pass an anguished order in this regard   By R Ramasubramanian ...

Paris Climate Pact: India’s Bargaining Chip

The climate agreement of December 2015 needs to be ratified by at least 55 of 174 countries. India still has to do it but is using it as a lever to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group By Darryl D’Mont...

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