Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Cover Story

Slapgate’s Lessons

The Muzaffarnagar slap-case made us finally aware that within the four walls of classroom, social abhorrence and religious bigotry is being played out and now, inevitably, it has become a political football as well

Ease of Business

With the Supreme Court overturning a Madras High Court judgment, couples intending to marry despite family opposition can do so in the presence of advocates and without any public declaration of it

Delhi’s Ridge Ruckus

Over the years, pressures of urban development have seen forests of Delhi Ridge under threat. In many areas, landscaped public parks and public housing have come up. The area also faces dumping of construction waste. Now the Delhi High Court has expressed concern over the presence of 63 structures inside the Central Ridge in the capital

Ramaswamy rocks the boat

As the US campaign express entered its final year ahead of the presidential election in November 2024, voters are offered a first generation American of Indian origin whose energized performance befits a high-tech entrepreneur who claims he has all the answers despite lacking political experience

Bitter Pill

The National Medical Commission recently put on hold its earlier notification, which made it mandatory for doctors to only prescribe generic drugs. After the rules were notified, the Indian Medical Association and the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance had expressed concern, saying this was not feasible because of the uncertainty about their quality

Minor Differences

In an important ruling, the Uttarakhand High Court has decreed that despite a minor living with his father, it was the duty of the mother to contribute to the maintenance and education of the minor when she had the financial means to do so

Prisoner to Lawyer?

Expressing surprise that a convict is practising law after release from prison following the remission granted to him, the apex court went on to ask if a convict can even practice law? The issue really is whether a convicted person be allowed to practise law after being released

Selective Policy?

The Court has told Gujarat government that it is on thin ice regarding granting remission to the 11 convicts. Remission is normally given only after seeing the good conduct, reformation and health of the convict

A Delicate Balance

The apex court has given its nod to the implementation of a groundbreaking Standard Operating Procedure regarding the appearance of government officials in court proceedings. The centre had proposed the SOP draft, seeking to reshape the way courts interact with government officials during legal proceedings. However, the top court has expressed its distress over certain points in the SOP that relate to judicial power

Act with Sensitivity

In a warning of sorts, the Karnataka High Court has said that if any person plays an active role in tarnishing the self esteem of a hypersensitive person, driving him to suicide, he would be guilty of abetment to suicide

News Update