Delhi police files status report in petition against motorists using pressure horns and modified silencers


Coming heavily on vehicles using pressure horns and modified silencers, the Delhi police has submitted its status report today in Delhi High Court.

In the petition Justice for Rights Foundation & Anr. V Union of India, filed by a law student and an NGO, the Delhi police ACP (traffic) was personally present in the High Court.

The report states that regular enforcement action is being taken against motorists flouting motor vehicle norms. During the period from 04.06.2019 to 22.07.2019, a total of 6315 motorists have been prosecuted for using pressure horns and their instruments seized on the spot and 53 have been prosecuted for using modified silencers.

The ACP, while concluding his status report, has mentioned that the directions of the Hon’ble Court will be judiciously implemented in true letter and spirit and there shall not be any laxity in any form.

The matter was argued by advocate Harpreet Singh Hora before the division bench and based on the arguments which were taken on the last date of hearing, that the police is not taking any action on the erring vehicles who are using pressure horns and modified silencers on bikes in and around north campus, the police has submitted an update status report.

Advocate Hora told the media that they have also mentioned in the petition the problem is rampant during elections of Delhi University Student Union and pressure horns and modified silencers (especially on bullet motorcycles) are a source of great nuisance.

-India Legal Bureau