Justice S Ravindra Bhat bids adieu to Delhi High Court, remembered for his accomplishments

Justice S Ravindra bhat

Delhi High Court judge Justice S Ravindra Bhat was recommended by the Collegium to be elevated as the Chief Justice of Rajasthan last month. A formal farewell for Justice Bhat was organized in the court of Chief Justice of Delhi on Friday. The ceremony started with a jam-packed room.

Chief Justice of Delhi High Court, Justice Rajendra Menon started the ceremony with counting the numerous efforts that were made by the outgoing Justice Bhat. He reminded the Bar and Bench about the contribution of Justice Bhat in the field of commercial laws and mentioned it would be difficult to fill up the void left by him. Justice Bhambani narrated background of Justice Bhat and mentioned about his various accomplishments. Just after the conclusion of the opening remarks of Justice Bhambani. The lawyers took the microphone, thereafter, and started showering words in the honor of Justice Bhat.

ASG Maninder Acharya mentioned about the judicial activism of Justice Bhat and reminded the Bar about the integrity and hard work of Justice Ravindra Bhat. She further mentioned few notable cases of Justice Bhat and reminded the bench how grateful the Bar has been to appear before the Justice Bhat. The microphone was then taken up by the Advocate Rahul Mehra, standing counsel of Delhi government. He made few observations about the Justice Bhat. “Justice Ravindra Bhat would be remembered as people’s judge”, Mehra spoke. He further said: “Thank you my lord for protecting people’s right. In Nirbhaya case, your lordship ensured the camera maintained in each Police Station.”

Chairman of Delhi Bar Council, Advocate K C Mittal and Kriti Uppal, Senior Advocate also gave speech on the occasion noting various achievements of Justice Bhat.

Justice Bhat took the microphone and started telling his story from being bookish to being at the bench. Justice Bhat narrated about his schooling and college days which were mostly about taking refuge in books to languages he got familiar in the span of last 60 years. He did not desist from admitting his ill-health being hurdle at the several instances, however, he extended gratitude to bar and bench for the continuous support. “I am grateful to the kind words of you all. The last two months have been prime time with your support. I do not have long tale to tell you all. All I have to say is to mean what you and say what you mean. I am from humble background and that hold my conviction,” Justice Bhat mentioned. He concluded his speech by thanking family, friends and people at bar and bench.

After Justice Bhat concluded his speech, the gathering matched the clapping, echoed the sound in the room for a minutes. Justice Ravindra Bhat would surely be long remembered for his judicial acumen and his judgments.

—India Legal Bureau