Monday, September 30, 2024


IL Feature

Dying Illegally

The National Green Tribunal has directed the Supreme Court-appointed monitoring committee, the Central Pollution Control Board and the Delhi Pollution Control Committee to look into illegal dyeing units in the Capital. The Tribunal has also asked them to jointly file an action-taken report on the compliance status in respect of the units named in the application filed before it

The Art of the Deal

Political Kabuki theatre over the issue transfixed America and the world for several months ending just 48 hours short of default in a victory for common sense. President Joe Biden’s approach was a textbook case of negotiating skill—praise your opponent and keep talking, give up a little to win while letting the other team believe they won something of value

Awash in Confusion

The state’s constant alteration of its liquor policy has resulted in chaos. After the fifth change in its liquor act, it is obvious the state government has no clear policy on curbing rampant alcoholism.

Electrifying Move

The scheme of the Delhi government aims to promote the use of electric vehicles as a mode of transport and will compel commercial vehicles to convert from traditional fuels to electric power.

Learning to Kill

The murder and suicide case in the Shiv Nadar University in Greater Noida involving a girl and her male classmate she was in a relationship with has revealed how easy it is for a student to obtain a weapon and how easy it is for a normal relationship to quickly turn into a tragedy.

Cry, the Beloved Cheetahs

The deaths of six African cheetahs in Kuno National Park in the state show that the centre miscalculated in its plan to introduce these beasts into India. Will it now listen to the apex court and shift them to Rajasthan?

High and Happy

The new liquor policy allows large, international companies to sell ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages, beer and wine to their employees at their workplaces subject to terms. It may sound hip and cool, but alcohol abuse is a familiar Indian story.

Battle Royal

By ignoring the apex court’s order and introducing the Authority, the centre has triggered a constitutional crisis, which goes against the spirit of democracy, federalism and rule of law.

America’s Culture War

The current debt-ceiling issue is a phony crisis with a hostage scenario in a massive culture war. The right-wing dream is to replace a pluralistic democracy with an authoritarian government favouring a strong Christian nationalist perspective on all issues.

Pill for Protection

Doctors have often faced violence at the hands of those they heal. Kerala has now decided to bring out an ordinance to amend the Kerala Healthcare Act after a doctor was murdered while on duty.

News Update