Sunday, September 29, 2024


IL Feature

Ties with Sri Lanka: A fine balancing act

As China gains a greater foothold in Lanka, India is cautiously watching if its influence in the region will be hit. Minister S Jaishankar’s visit to Colombo was an attempt to mend fences with the neighbour.

Act with Caution

In a landmark order, the Court set aside a Gujarat High Court order under Articles 226 and 227 and said that its power to interfere with the arbitration process needs to be exercised in exceptional rarity.

Pre-hiring background check gets complicated with criminal database opening up

The central government has set the ball rolling towards offering public and private sector business establishments access to the national database of crimes and criminals for contextual examination.

Forest rangers: Sitting ducks for poachers for too long

Serious concern was expressed by TN Godavarman Thirumulpad, of supreme court regarding the safety and security of forest rangers. Under Article 48A part IV of the Constitution of India, it is the duty of the state to protect the forests and wildlife of India.

Rare diseases, and the draft policy to treat them

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has introduced a draft National Policy for Rare Diseases 2020 on the direction of the Delhi High Court in response to a plea filed seeking free treatment of rare diseases.

Green shoots: Kejriwal govt’s tree transplantation policy a first but will it work?

In order to compensate the loss of greenery in the national capital due to development activities, the Arvind Kejriwal led Delhi government has notified the Tree Transplantation Policy 2020 according to which a minimum of 80 percent of the trees affected by development activities shall be required

Liquor: A Covid-hit economy’s booster shot for states

New laws to do with alcohol consumption being contemplated by the Delhi government reflect the reality of keeping the state coffers replenished.

West Bengal: Governor versus State government

The long-standing heated exchange between the governor and the TMC government over political issues has caused a constitutional impasse. What lies ahead?

Mobile lending apps: Digital debt traps

In a shocking development, online fraudsters are offering easy loans and using forceful ways to humiliate customers so that they cough up the cash borrowed, leading many to commit suicide in desperation.

Allahabad High Court: Protecting people’s fundamental rights and dignity

The High Court’s verdicts have strengthened the rule of law and reminded the state government about its constitutional duties to protect people’s fundamental rights and dignity.

News Update