Sunday, September 29, 2024


IL Feature

Terror knocks on our eastern border

With Bangladesh being in the grip of terrorism, let the intel agencies in West Bengal not be complacent anymore about our immunity By Sujit Bhar in Kolkata The Dhaka Holey Artisan Bakery hostage...

Cinema latches on to Courtroom dramas

Come, walk down memory lane with these court scenes, complete with drama, histrionics and suspense. By Jui Mukherjee Order, order! Welcome to the courtroom of Bollywood, where drama and mystery ...

The secret behind Rotavac vaccine trials

Even before the full data on these trials has been made public, the vaccine is out in four states. A petition in the Supreme Court hopes to unveil the silence over the trial data By Meena Menon in ...

Time to take stock of reforms

It was way back in 1991 that liberalization was initiated by the Narasimha Rao government. Twenty five years after, the benefits are still to accrue to the common man  By Kalyani Shankar  Twent...

Salvaging Alang, Graveyard of Ships

A move by the EU Commission and the Supreme Court to get ship-breaking yards to create environment-friendly facilities may save Alang as it gasps for life By Ramesh Menon It is almost ironical t...

Islam does not justify killings

Recent acts of terror perpetrated in the name of faith across the world are at variance with what Prophet Mohammad had preached and how he lived his life By Zoya Rasul  There have been many inst...

Artist Foundations Sued for Fake Claims

  In response to an article published in the India Legal issue of April 30, 2016, Bid & Hammer, a prominent auction house, has the following to say about counterfeits in Indian art and the...

Surrogacy: Need for regulation

Surrogacy is a highly commercialized and exploitative business in India. A proposed law seeks to regulate hospitals and clinics involved in it while protecting the rights of surrogate mothers and comm...

Going Up in Smoke

A study by an NGO has shown that there were around 1.5 lakh to 2 lakh of street children in Delhi alone with 80 percent of them indulging in rampant substance abuse. When will the government act to sa...

Brexit is not the only referendum

Brexit has rekindled the demand for referendum in other EU member countries too. What is the genesis of this demand for breaking away? A Report By Stratfor While clearly enormously significant, ...

News Update