Sunday, September 29, 2024


IL Feature

Pill for Pharmas

To prevent unethical practices in the sector, the centre has instituted a code which prohibits companies from conducting CME workshops abroad and making it mandatory for them to share expense details

Opening Pandora’s Bond

The March 15 release of entities and individuals who donated to political parties under the electoral bonds scheme has set the proverbial cat out of the bag. It marks a major legal milestone in the disputed area of transparency in political fundraising

Government vs Government

Kerala has moved the top court against the centre lowering its debt ceiling. The centre says the state is borrowing only for pensions and salaries, not infrastructure By Vikram L Kilpady The on...

Courting Controversy

Courts are sacrosanct places and demand a certain behaviour and dress code. When these are flouted, judges have been known to pull up the person concerned

A Matter of Integrity

The conduct of a trial judge as he “assisted” a rape accused was questioned by the Delhi High Court as this is a heinous crime for which there can be no monetary settlement

Deadly Bites

A PIL in the Madras High Court has questioned rules which require RWAs to feed community animals. This seems absurd when stray dogs have increasingly and tragically bitten and killed humans

Not Privileged Enough

The apex court’s recent big order, curtailing the privileges of parliamentarians and other lawmakers, has the potential to clean up Indian politics while leaving lawmakers vulnerable to allegations of bribery

Hold Your Horses

The Delhi High Court has deprecated the practice of filing of an appeal by a third party as it can be done without the knowledge of the missing person and lead to irreparable harm

Family Feuds

A senior citizen, a woman, filed a complaint in the Delhi High Court under the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act for eviction of her son and daughter-in-law from the premises. The verdict could be a legal landmark for others in similar situations

Bulldozer Injustice

The Indore bench of the Madhya Pradesh High Court declared that it has become fashionable for local bodies to tear down any house without complying with the principles of natural justice. Other states have also been guilty of such practices

News Update