Legal Leadership Conclave: This is the time that we need independent, impartial arbitration, says Union Road Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari

Nitin gadkari

Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari spoke on the subject titled Challenging of Arbitration Session by Litigant in the Technical Session-1 (Arbitration  – Journey from 1940 to 2019) at Legal Leadership Conclave in Bengaluru on Saturday. Here is the full speech of Gadkari below:

I am pleased and thankful to the India Legal Group for such wonderful debate where we can discuss such important issues. I welcome the gathering from warm heart and Legal Leadership Conclave on the topic Challenges & Future of Arbitration and Mediation in India. I quote what Mahatma Gandhi wrote in his autobiography — “I learnt two practice of law and I have learnt to find out the better side of human nature and to enter men’s heart. I realize that two functions of a lawyer is to unite the parties involve in a dispute. The lesson was so indeliably burnt into me.” As a road and transport minister we are everytime facing problems for delays because of land acquisition, utility shifting, environment forest clearance, banking problem, the project is delayed. And that is the reason that creates lot of complication for completing the project. So after the litigation starts. I don’t have problems about litigations. But the most important factor I am experiencing in my field that time is most important factor. The litigation takes years to resolve the issue. You understand the interest cost is there, the contractor is basically destroyed from delays. They never get justice. And that’s the reason we are facing economic crisis in the different fields of our country. So this is the time that we need independent, impartial arbitration. I request all of you that everywhere the time clause is important. I always say that I like people who can get the things done. And that is the reason that regarding resolving the issues. I convey all my best wishes to all of you. And I feel in due course of time in many litigations which are already going on in the country where intervention as an arbitrator it is really going to resolve the issue and creating wealth for the country and resolving the matter for all concerned people.

—India Legal Bureau

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