Tuesday, April 1, 2025

How the school and college education change after National Education Policy 2020

This policy planning to transform India into a lively awareness, society making both school and college education more extensive, flexible, multidisciplinary, suited to 21st century needs and aimed at bringing out the novel capabilities of every student.

NEP 2020 is the principal education policy of the 21st century and replaces the long term old National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986.

The remarkable highlights of the policy are as per the following


Guarantee Universal Access at All Levels of schooling from pre-primary school to Grade 12

NEP 2020 intends to accomplish 100% Gross Enrollment Ratio in school education by 2030.

Early Childhood Care Education

NEP 2020 stresses on the criticality of the early years to guarantee quality early childhood care and education for all kids between 3-6 years by 2025. The kids in the ages of 3-5 will be catered to by the ebb and flow arrangement of anganwadis and pre-schools, and age 5-6 will be included with the schooling framework in a consistent integrated way.

New Curricular and Pedagogical Structure

With an accentuation on Early Childhood Care and Education, the 10+2 structure of school educational programs is to be replaced by a 5+3+3+4 curricular structure corresponding to ages 3-8, 8-11, 11-14, and 14-18 years separately.

The new framework will have 12 years of schooling with three years of Anganwadi/pre-schooling.

The new framework will cover four phases:

  • Foundational Stage (in two sections, that is, 3 years of Anganwadi/pre-school + 2 years in a primary school in Grades 1-2; both together covering ages 3-8).
  • Preparatory Stage (Grades 3-5, covering ages 8-11)
  • Middle Stage (Grades 6-8, covering ages 11-14), and
  • Secondary Stage (Grades 9-12 in two stages, i.e., 9 and 10 in the first and 11 and 12 in the second, covering ages 14-18).

Students will have increased flexibility and selection of subjects with the goal that they pick their own paths according to their gifts and interests. There will be no rigid segregation between expressions and sciences, between curricular and extra-curricular exercises, between vocational and academic streams. The objective is to give equivalent accentuation on all subjects-science, sociologies, craftsmanship, languages, sports, arithmetic – with the integration of vocational and academic streams in school.

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National Education Policy 2020

Multilingualism and the intensity of language

The medium of instruction until in any event Grade 5, but preferably till Grade 8 and beyond, will be the home language/native language/neighborhood language/regional language.

Sanskrit will be offered at all degrees of school and higher education as a significant, enriching option for students, including as an option in the three-language equation. Other old style languages and kinds of the writing of India, including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Pali, Persian, and Prakrit, will likewise be broadly available in schools as options for students.

Unknown dialects, for example, Korean, Japanese, Thai, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian, will likewise be offered at the secondary level.

Indian Sign Language (ISL) will be standardized the nation over, and National and State educational program materials developed, for use by students with hearing hindrance.

Appraisal Reforms

Board exams for Grades 10 and 12 will be continued, but be improved to eliminate the need for taking coaching classes. Board exams will be redesigned to empower comprehensive turn of events; and will likewise be made ‘simpler’, by testing centre limits/abilities.

All students will be allowed to take Board Exams on up to two occasions during some random school year, one main examination and one for development, whenever desired.

All students will take school examinations in Grades 3, 5, and 8 which will be conducted by the suitable position.

Another National Assessment Center, PAREKH (Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development), will be set up as an ordinary-setting body for norm-setting, standards, and guidelines for student evaluation and appraisal for all recognized school boards of India.

Each State/District will be encouraged to establish “Bal Bhavans” as an extraordinary daytime boarding school, to take an interest in craftsmanship related, career-related, and play-related exercises.

Teacher enlistment and career path

Teachers will be recruited through robust, straightforward cycles. Promotions will be merit-based, and an instrument for multi-source intermittent execution examinations will be set up. Progression paths to becoming educational administrators or teacher educators will be available for the teachers.

Vocational Education

By 2025, in any event, half of the students through the school and higher education framework will have a presentation to vocational education. Beginning with a vocational introduction at early ages in the centre and secondary school, quality vocational education will be integrated easily into higher education.


Increase GER in higher education to reach at any rate half by 2035.

The point will be to increase the Gross Enrolment Ratio in higher education including vocational education from 26.3% (2018) to half by 2035.

Multidisciplinary Education

To give multi-disciplinary all encompassing education at the undergraduate level for integrated, thorough introduction to science, expressions, humanities, arithmetic and professional fields having imaginative and flexible curricular structures, inventive combinations of study, integration of vocational education and various passage/leave points.

The undergraduate degree will be of either 3 or 4-year duration, with numerous leave options within this period, with fitting certifications – an endorsement subsequent to completing 1 year in a discipline or field including vocational and professional zones, or a confirmation following 2 years of study, or a Bachelor’s degree following a 3-year program.

An Academic Bank of Credit (ABC) will be established which would digitally store the academic credits earned from different recognized HEIs with the goal that the degrees from a HEI can be awarded taking into account credits earned.

Model public universities for extensive and multidisciplinary education, multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities ( MERUs) will be set up and will plan to attain the best expectations for multidisciplinary education across India.

Universities and colleges will set up great help places and will be given sufficient assets and academic assets to energize and uphold students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Professional academic and career counseling will be available to all students, just as instructors to guarantee physical, mental and emotional prosperity.

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National Research Foundation (NRF)

Another substance will be set up to catalyze and expand research and innovation the nation over. The NRF will seriously finance research in all disciplines.

Financial help for students

Endeavors will be made to incentivize the value of students belonging to SC, ST, OBC, and different SEDGs. The National Scholarship Portal will be expanded to help, encourage, and track the advancement of students receiving scholarships. Private HEIs will be encouraged to offer bigger numbers of free ships and scholarships to their students.

Open and separation learning will be expanded, thereby playing a significant part in increasing the Gross Enrolment Ratio to half.

Motivated, Energized, and Capable Faculty

NEP 2020 perceives that the accomplishment of higher education institutions is the quality and commitment of its workforce. HEIs will have clearly defined, independent, and straightforward cycles and measures for personnel enrollment. Staff not delivering on basic standards will be considered accountable.

Powerful Governance and leadership in HEIs

Through a suitable arrangement of graded accreditation and graded autonomy, and in a phased way over a time of 15 years, all HEIs in India will expect to become independent self-governing institutions pursuing innovation and greatness.


There will be a single overarching umbrella body for the promotion of higher education-the Higher Education Commission of India (HECI)- with independent bodies for standard-setting – the General Education Council; funding-Higher Education Grants Council (HEGC); accreditation-National Accreditation Council (NAC); and regulation-National Higher Education Regulatory Council (NHERC).

Teacher Education

The 4-year integrated stage-explicit, subject-explicit Bachelor of Education offered at multidisciplinary institutions would be the route forward. By 2030, the minimum degree qualification for teaching will be a 4-year integrated B.Ed. degree.

Professional Education

All professional education will be an integral aspect of the higher education framework. Stand-alone specialized universities, wellbeing science universities, lawful and horticultural universities, or institutions in these or different fields, will mean to become multi-disciplinary institutions.

Technology in Education

An autonomous body, the National Educational Technology Forum (NETF), will be created to give a stage to the free trade of thoughts on the utilization of technology to improve learning, evaluation, planning, administration.

Online Education and Digital Education

A comprehensive arrangement of recommendations for promoting online education consequent in the ongoing ascent in plagues and pandemics in request to guarantee preparedness with elective methods of value education at whatever point and any place traditional and in-person methods of education are unrealistic has been covered.

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