Monday, March 10, 2025



Beef over Cattle Trade

As Karnataka cattle traders cry foul over anti-slaughter act, the spin-offs of cattle protection laws on commerce become hard to ignore. As the subject of agriculture and animal husbandry comes under the state list, there is no omnibus law in the country which deals with cattle protection and slaughter norms. Instead, states have the power to enact individual cattle laws.

Absolute Liability

The Ludhiana gas leak shows the need for safety systems. Under the Supreme Court’s idea of absolute liability, hazardous industries must pay compensation regardless of whether a disaster was caused by its fault.

Medical Mummification

A simple, enabling legal provision is needed to prevent mummification of the living and to guarantee the right to a dignified life, including death.

Holiday Blues

In order to reduce case pendency, the chief justice has directed that 14 vacation benches sit during the summer vacations. For an already overburdened judiciary, does this take the joy out of holidays?

Sex and the Ex

Nearly three decades ago, a gossip columnist named E Jean Carroll was sexually assaulted in an upscale New York department store dressing room by a playboy real estate tycoon. Recently, nine jurors in a federal court civil case in Manhattan unanimously agreed that Donald Trump, the ex-president was a sexual predator. Carroll was awarded a total of $5 million dollars in her assault and defamation case against Trump, who is running again in 2024 to be president of the US. This verdict finally may have consequences for someone who has escaped legal accountability

Murders Most Foul

After Rajasthan, Delhi is taking steps to protect lawyers from heinous crimes. Atrocities against them have risen, instilling fear and violating their right to life and to practice any profession with freedom.

Caste Conundrum

Attempts by the state to conduct a caste-based census came to naught after the Patna High Court ordered a stay. The power to carry it out is vested with the Parliament which enacted Census Act, 1948.

Pro Bono Lawyering in Digital India?

The chief justice of India recently highlighted the use of digital technologies the Indian judiciary is experimenting with to make the judicial system more transparent, efficient and accessible. When it comes to free legal aid, however, access to law and justice through digital technologies has limited possibilities. The Pro bono Lawyering programme was launched in 2017 to achieve access to justice for all. However, pro bono lawyering has not yet become an alternative means to foster access to justice in spite of the IT revolution under Digital India.

“Intellectual Property Rights As It Relates To Women Is Very Special”

With the celebration of Intellectual Property Rights Day, the focus swings back to importance and security of our indigenous intellectual property. Editor-in-Chief, APN channel, Rajshri Rai spoke with Controller General, Patents/Designs/Trademark, Prof (Dr) Unnat P Pandit on a host of issues. Excerpts:

Supreme And Complete Justice

The Supreme Court in a path-breaking judgment did “complete justice” by expanding its jurisdiction to grant divorce on mutual consent or by declaring irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.

News Update