Sunday, March 23, 2025


Special Story

United India is Like a Family

An analogy can be drawn between a close family and a pluralistic, multi-religious, multi-cultural India. This family model can promote Hindu-Muslim unity more effectively than the Hindutva model. By ...

The New Legal Eagles

A project in AP and Karnataka has empowered sex workers by making them paralegal volunteers. As they are made aware of their rights, a confident community is fighting exploitation and domestic violenc...

My Lord, let the law prevail!

All you wanted to know about the Contempt of Courts Act By Dr GB Reddy­ What is Contempt of Court?  Anything that curtails or impairs the freedom of limits of the judicial proceedings. Co...

The reels of justice churn on…

Some of the greatest films are based on courtrooms, high-profile lawyers, passionate defense and the travesty of justice By Somi Das There is nothing more riveting or gripping than courtroo...

Why India Legal?

WHY INDIA LEGAL January 15 , 2014       <span style="light"]In March 15, 2015, our magazine will have completed its first year of publication as a revamped and relaunche...

Degrees of self-control

A yoga university in Gujarat is teaching the healthy way to live. By Mahesh Trivedi  During the ear-splitting cacophony of the recent Lok Sabha election battle, why did Narendra Modi remain cool...

Reel Vakils

Come, walk down memory lane with these court scenes, complete with drama, histrionics and suspense. By Jui Mukherjee   Order, order! Welcome to the courtroom of Bollywood, where drama an...


{The court in which the case came up was inadvertently published as “Supreme Court” instead of “Allahabad High Court” in the print issue of India Legal (“Rare Reproach” September 30, 2014). We regret ...

Some are more equal than others

In the eyes of the law, everyone is equal. but a case of a senior judge shows how rules can be subverted with impunity. By Ramesh Menon  Recent weeks have seen a hullabaloo over judicial account...

Deadly Onslaught

The world along with regional powers are maneuvering fissures in Iraq to wring out maximum benefit from the current bloody uprising. By Reva Bhalla Events in Iraq over the past week were perhaps b...

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