Wednesday, February 26, 2025



Again, judicial activism had to rescue citizens from pandemic, why is it so always in India?

There is no denying the fact that these are un-precedented times but it is also a fact that extra-ordinary situations require extra-ordinary solutions, if not then at least an attempt in real sense to provide extra-ordinary remedies.

Peace Mediation – Legal Revolution 5.0

The fine distinction between Meditation and Mediation is the presence and absence of the letter 'T'. In meditation, the Self itself acts as the Third Party or the Teacher and guides Self to realise the true nature of Self. 'T' in mediation is the mediator.

Justice delivered: How Indian agencies pooled resources to help a wronged Indian couple in Qatar

Amid the complete chaos of politically motivated cases and indictments in India, there still remains the silver lining of judgment, of powerful investigating agencies doing their duties as they should.

Settlement Hubs: Settling Disputes In Times Of A Climate Emergency

Philip the Second of Macedonia struck a treaty with the Southern States of Greece to settle territorial disputes through arbitration in 337 B.C.E. Interestingly, the infamous Ides of March was originally known as a time in the month for Senators of the Roman Empire to forget past grudges and settle feuds.

Massive Covid-19 bungling slips by unnoticed in small town India

The world has been shocked into sitting up seeing the plight of the thousands losing their battle against Covid in Delhi but an even greater mess of planning, management and performance has infiltrated small town India, threatening its very existence.

Covid underlines importance of a Will

The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the world severely. The current outbreak is the biggest challenge the world has seen since World War II. We hope that in these tough times you and your loved ones are staying fit and healthy.

Calculus of Force Majeure in Coronavirus Lockdown

Everything was normal and calm across the globe till a deadly pandemic virus named COVID-19 splattered in Wuhan, a city of China when the case of COVID-19 was reported for the first time and after much willy-nilly China finally confirmed human to human transmission on 21st January 2020

First Information Report by Dr. Dewakar Goel ‘FIR is the soul of criminal case as turning wheel of the ship’

From the shelf of Dr. Dewakar Goel ‘First Information Report (Concept Procedure and Practice)’ is the latest addition to the multitude.

Whether 100 % Reservation Or No Reservation

Of late, the question of law, as accentuated by the Hon'ble the Supreme Court in Jaishree (1) that whether there should be reservation exceeding 50%, as contemplated in Indra Sawhney (2) case, splatters again a fierce debate on reservation

Women Army officers’ verdict smashes an important, visible barrier

After the landmark judgment of Babita Puniya pronounced on February 17, 2020, wherein the Apex Court gave directions to consider women officers for grant of permanent commission

News Update