Alleged droppings from aeroplanes: Report fails to confirm it is human excreta

Alleged droppings from aeroplanes: Report fails to confirm it is human excreta

In the interesting, though highly improbable scenario of a case where it has been alleged that airline authorities are throwing human excreta from the air, sullying and polluting places on the ground, it was seen in a report that it was not possible to decide whether the substance than came down was actually human excreta or bird droppings.

The National Green Tribunal bench headed by Justice Jawad Rahim On Wednesday (April 4) allowed a pasover, but the issue has been hanging fire for a while.  The case has been filed by Lt Gen. Satwant Singh Dahiya, AVSM.

The general says in his petition that airlines authorities are throwing away human excreta just before the landing of the aircraft which is causing pollution in and around the surrounding areas and also affecting the people who reside in that area. On the last day of hearing it was pointed out that there had been repetitive incidents of dropping of human faecal matter on buildings and in the localities. The petitioner maintains that this phenomenon suggests only a flying object, such as an aeroplane is responsible for such occurrence.

The petitioner has submitted that birds generally evacuate themselves before flying. He further points out the report where a team has indicated these were dried droppings with yellowish colour.

However, the applicant points out that the presence of uric acid indicates that the faecal material is either of human or non-human.

On Wednesday the previous application was disposed off. A fresh OA has been filed. The counsel for the CPCB submitted that samples have been send to the laboratories. They have said by the sample it is not very clear that whether it is bird or human excreta.

The bench said that the report is not satisfactory and the bench further said by the sample or the way it was spread any layman can say whether it is human or bird excreta. Matter has been Passover.

India Legal Bureau