Cap on scholar guides: Delhi HC reserves judgment

Delhi High Court/Photo by Anil Shakya

Above: Delhi High Court/Photo by Anil Shakya 

The Delhi High Court on Thursday (April 26) reserved its judgment on a plea filed by the Student’s Federation of India challenging UGC the Notification which put a cap on the number of MPhil and PhD research scholars a professor can guide.

The bench of Justice S Ravindra Bhatt directed that the JNU should file an affidavit in regards to the total number of students in each school and the break-up of MPhil, PhD and non scholar students in each school, within two weeks.

The court also directed the JNU to publish the marks obtained by students in subjective and objective tests for MPhil and PhD admission tests including marks obtained in viva-voce tests.

The petitioners had said that that the UGC notification makes arbitrary distinctions in regards to the number of students under a professor, an assistant professor and associate professors, cutting the number of students (to be guided) each year.

—India Legal Bureau