Mains examination of UPPSC will be held as scheduled on June 18, says apex court

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The apex court on Thursday (June 14) refused to stay the June 18, mains examination of Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC).

The court also refused re-examination of the answer sheets of the prelims exams.

The issue has risen from petitions from many students who have complained to the top court that there were many discrepancies in the preliminary questions papers of the UPPSC, and hence the mains should be postponed for final court decision on the preliminary.

Earlier, following the prelims exam, petitions were filed in the Allahabad High Court claiming that answers to a few questions in the exam were wrong, ambiguous or complicated.

After that, Allahabad High Court had directed the UPPSC to re-evaluate answer sheets of the preliminary examination.

—India Legal Bureau