Adv Prashant Bhushan resigns from CPIL, Common Cause, Swaraj Abhiyan after found violating Bar Council rules

Adv Prashant Bhushan

By Rajesh Kumar

Advocate Prashant Bhushan has resigned from Governing Council of Centre for Public Interest Litigation (CPIL), Common Cause and Swaraj Abhiyan on the complaint of Major SK Punia (Retd) before the Bar Council of Delhi (BCD).

Maj S K Punia (Retd) filed a complaint before the BCD against Prashant Bhushan, for being a member of governing council of CPIL Common Cause and Swaraj Abhiyan and appearing for the aforesaid organization as an advocate therefore violating clause 8 of the standards of Professional Conduct and Etiquette under the Bar Council of India (BCI) Rules.

When explanation was sought from Bhushan from BCD, Bhushan said in the response: “It is true I am an office bearer of the Common Cause, Swaraj Abhiyan and CPIL and I have represented the above mentioned organizations in court.”

Thereafter the BCD directed the complainant to file rejoinder and fixed the date April 12 and when the representative of the complainant appeared before the BCD he came to know that Bhushan has filed an affidavit on April 11before the BCD by stating the he has resigned from CPIL, Common Cause and Swaraj Abhiyan on March 4 and submitted the copy of resignation with the said affidavit.

The matter has been fixed for final hearing on July 12.

—India Legal Bureau

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