Sunday, February 23, 2025

Allahabad HC Allows Normal Functioning Of Court From June 08 and Physical Filing Allowed From 03rd June 2020

Allahabad High Court allows Normal Functioning of Court from June 08 and Physical Filing allowed from 03rd June 2020. The High Court has decided to allow normal functioning of its Principal Seat Allahabad as well as at Lucknow Bench.

The High Court allowed Physical hearing of cases with some riders. The High Court has allowed only the special Benches constituted by the Court to remain operational until further orders and the Advocates aged 65 years or more may appear and argue the cases through video-conferencing as they would not be allowed to enter in the High Court as per the applicable protocol for lock-down and the Hon’ble Judges and their supporting staff (Private Secretary, Bench Secretary, Peon etc.) in minimum required number will attend the High Court.

During opening of court functioning at from 8th June, the Chambers of Learned Advocates in the High Court Premises will not be opened and sitting arrangement for Advocates shall be notified separately. The Advocates appearing in the Court must wear face cover / mask and shall adhere to all necessary conditions prescribed for social and physical distancing. Not more than 6 (Six) Advocates will be permitted to remain in the court room at any given time and shall leave the High Court after hearing of their cases over.

The advocates are strictly prohibited to enter in the court campus, residing in hot spot areas / containment zones and no document from them shall accepted, except through e-mode. The shops near the High Court shall not be permitted to open and operate.

The High Court also restricted for consumption of liquor, ‘paan’, ‘gutka’, tobacco inside the premises of the High Court and consumption of the same and Spitting in the premises of the High Court will attract punishment.


India Legal Bureau


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