Cigarette, Beedi Butts as Harmful as Tobacco Smoke, Claims Petition

Cigarette, Beedi Butts as Harmful as Tobacco Smoke, Claims Petition

The National Green Tribunal, headed by Justice Swatanter Kumar, has decided to take up a petition filed by Doctors For You, which claims that disposal of cigarette and Beedi butts adds to pollution as does pollution caused by tobacco smoke.

On May 25, the bench stated that this matter is of serious concern and can’t be ignored. However, the Tribunal as such does not have jurisdiction to comment on the adverse effect of tobacco on health.

The counsel for applicants stated that apart from consumption, right from the cultivation till the disposal of tobacco, the entire chain has serious effect on the environment and sometimes leading to forest fires.

The bench directed the Ministry of Environment and Forests to file its reply within one week and the matter is listed for final hearing on July 19.

—India Legal Bureau