Demolish all illegal structures on Yamuna floodplains immediately, says NGT


The National Green Tribunal’s principal bench headed by Justice Swatanter Kumar on Thursday (October 5) warned that all illegal structures within the demarcated area on the Yamuna floodplains will have to be demolished immediately or harsh punishment will be meted out.

The bench also asked for a status report and set the next hearing for October 13.

The case is regarding illegal constructions on the floodplains of the Yamuna in Agra and in other parts of Uttar Pradesh. The NGT had directed the Irrigation Department, Uttar Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board, Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam, Agra Nagar Nigam, Agra Development Authority, a senior officer from the National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, and a senior scientist from Central Water Commission to oversee identification and delineation of line of floodplain with a 25-year return period and re-fixation of pillars as well as to specify the distance of the respective projects from that area.

This team shall complete the same within three weeks and submit their report to the Tribunal.

On Thursday, the counsel appearing for one of the respondents pleaded that his property was 12 m from the demarcated floodplain line.

The bench after observing said that with the immediate effect of the previous orders and today’s the structures which are on the floodplain shall be demolished immediately otherwise the parties may have to face really bad consequences.

India Legal Bureau