DPCC to file compliance report on cleaning of drains


The case related to cleaning of drains in Delhi, which are clogged with silt and municipal solid waste, was heard by the NGT on Friday (Aug 18).

The Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) assured the Tribunal that it will take the issue seriously and on a priority basis. DPCC said it will file a compliance report with the Delhi Jal Board within two weeks. The Tribunal, however, gave it a warning, saying that it must fall in line or else will have to bear the consequences.

The next date of hearing is on September 4.

Earlier, NGT had taken serious note of the issue and appointed local commissioners to inspect the drains of north, south and east Delhi municipal corporations. It had also ordered that Trunk Drain No 1 (passing through Seelampur) be cleaned by the Delhi government, department of irrigation, and flood control department within one week.

—India Legal Bureau