India Legal’s prediction on J&K Governor change comes true

India Legal’s prediction on J&K Governor change comes true

As predicted by India Legal’s Durbar column in its August 13 issue, J&K Governor N N Vohra, one of the most able administrators the state has seen, is retiring and a political appointee, Satya Pal Malik, now governor of Bihar, will be taking his place. India legal had said that Vohra, who is 82, had expressed his desire to step aside.

Malik, who was active as a politician in the times of former Prime Ministers Charan Singh and V P Singh will be landing on the hot seat at a time when the state is in turmoil. At a time when the governor’s role is most crucial in J&K, it is believed that Malik’s immense experience in tackling disparate groups will come in handy for the government. Malik has worked with Mufti Mohammed Sayeed, former chief minister of the state, during the time of VP Singh, and, as he has said in an interview, ““It is a challenging job. The basic challenge is to win the confidence of the people of the state.”

Possibly the best choice for the post under these circumstances.

-India Legal Bureau