Monday, March 17, 2025

Justice Deepak Verma former SC Judge deposits 51 Lac in PMCARE fund against COVID19

Former Supreme Court Judge, Justice Deepak Verma contributed a sum of Rupees Fifty One Lakh to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund, in view of the Coronavirus crisis.

Js. Deepak Verma has also written a letter to Prime Minister of India which reads as follows:-

“The humanity is passing through critical times as never before. Your tireless efforts day and night, providing leadership and guidance in helping out the Indian citizens, especially the poor and deprived, are admirable. In light of your message to the country on 24th March 2020 and the fast spreading coronavirus, your declaration and lockdown throughout India is a welcome step. I indeed highly appreciate it.”

Js. Verma also expressed his pain on plight of thousands of labourers, who had gone to various parts of Bharat to earn their bread but had to return to their villages as they were rendered jobless. With no transport available, many of them decided to have Padh Yatra with their children and baggage on their head and shoulders, travelling miles on foot.

Js. Verma further wrote, “In this hour of need, I have contributed a sum of Rs. 51,00,000 through online fund transfer to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund, with the hope and trust that under your over-all supervision the amount would be spent on redeeming the cause of such labour and enabling them to fight Coronavirus.”

He wrote that, “this is a part of my hard-earned money through arbitration work post my retirement seven years before as a judge of Supreme Court of India. Thus, his anxiety is it should reach the really needy persons under strict vigilance of the Prime Minister. In this hour of need the Country and I are with you! Jai Hind, Jai Bharat. Vijayee Bhava.”

-India Legal Bureau 


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