Saturday, March 15, 2025

Lawyers dissent against BCI’s resolution on CAA, say doesn’t represent views of the Bar

Scores of lawyers from across the country registered their dissent against the statements made by the Bar Council of India (BCI) on the Citizenship (Amendment) Act.

Disassociating themselves from the December 22 resolution of the BCI, the lawyers said that it did not represent the views of the Bar.

A statement released by the lawyers read, “While the individual office-bearers of the BCI are free to express their opinions in their personal capacity, the use of the BCI’s platform to express the personal views of some is a disservice to the principles that the BCI stands for.”

The dissenters said that scores of advocates had condemned that move of instating CAA and said that it would create unnecessary fear among the minorities, reiterating that the statement issued by the BCI doesn’t consider a holistic view.

The dissenting advocates also protested outside Jamia Millia Islamia University on December 21.

“It is also extremely distressing to note that in its resolution, the BCI has referred to the lakhs of citizens of this country who are exercising their democratic right to protest, out of sheer anguish, as the ‘illiterate ignorant mass’. It did not befit the stature of the BCI for such statements to be made,” the statement read.

The statement also raised the issue of internet shutdown, detention of minors and use of brute force on protestors.

The dissenting lawyers said the BCI, which is supposed to stand up for the Bar, did not express solidarity with Advocate Mohd. Shoaib who was detained in Lucknow, while protesting against CAA.

The BCI in its resolution had extended its solidarity to the police for their action. The BCI resolution had asked the advocates to convince people not to protest against the Act as the matter was pending in the Supreme Court.

The lawyers said that BCI’s resolution is urging lawyers to convince people for not protesting, which is their fundamental right.


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