Sunday, March 16, 2025

SC Issues Fresh Circular Relating To Use Of A4 Size Paper

The Supreme Court has issued a fresh circular relating to the use of A4 size paper having regard to the difficulties faced by the lawyers amid COVID 19 lockdown.

The circular states that the competent authority has directed that:

  • All cases which were filed before April 1, 2020 may be refiled using either A4 size paper or legal size paper
  • Exemption shall be granted from filing or refiling fresh petitions in A4 size paper upto June 15, 2020 only in those cases where difficulties are being expressed to use A4 size paper. The Advocate on Record or Party in Person may file an application seeking exemption to use A4 size paper specifying the circumstances to seek such exemption. The aid application shall be placed before the Additional Registrar Incharge, Filing counter.
  • No exemption will be granted in respect of cases filed through e-filing where A4 size paper format shall be compulsory.

The circular states that the directions will come into force with immediate effect.

On February 13, 2020, the Supreme Court Bar Association had issued a circular stating that now A4 size papers with print on both sides can be used for filing cases in the Supreme Court. The said circular was issued after a meeting was held by the Judges of the Supreme Court with the members of the SCBA and the SCAORA for Rationalisation of Use of Papers to conserve the environment and natural resources.

Read the Circular Here;

-India Legal Bureau


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