Sunday, March 9, 2025

Uttarakhand HC Issues Notification For Normal Case Filing And Hearing Through Video Conferencing

The Uttarakhand High Court on Monday has issued a notification with reference to transaction of business of the High Court of Uttarakhand with normal case filing and hearing through Video Conferencing.

The High Court mentioned that the State Government through their order on 31.05.2020, have classified District Nainital as Red Zone, with certain restrictions on public movements and activities due to which litigants residing in other parts of the State may face practical difficulties in performing journeys and making visits to Nainital for getting the petitions, applications, affidavits etc. prepared and signed there.

“Whereas, difficulties may also be experienced by advocates and litigants in sending certified copies of judgments and orders of the High Court to other parts of the State,

Whereas, there are also some requests for additional time for filing of duly signed copies of Petitions, Applications, Replies, Counters, Papers,Documents etc., copies of which were e-filed under the Notification No.86/ UHC/ Admin.B/ 2020 dated 11.04.2020 of the High Court of Uttarakhand’, said in the notification.

Therefore, having considered all the facts and circumstances, the Chief Justice has issued followings directions such as; –

  1. Where print outs of scanned copies of the Petitions, Applications, Replies, Affidavits, Counter Affidavits, Papers, Documents etc., duly signed by the parties, are filed by advocates with applications and undertakings that the actual and ink signed copies thereof shall be filed within two weeks from filing of print outs of such scanned copies, the print outs, duly attested by the advocates in their own signatures with full name and Bar registration number, be entertained by the Registry for purpose of case filing.
  2. In particular, where print out of scanned copy of a affidavit duly signed by the party and sworn before a Public Notary, is filed by an advocate with application and undertaking that the actual and ink signed copy of such affidavit, shall be filed within two weeks, the print out of the scanned copy,duly attested by the advocate in his own signature with full name and Bar registration number, be entertained by the Registry for purpose of filing.
  3. Where, print outs of the scanned copies are filed as above, soft copies thereof shall also be provided to the Registry by e-mail to the given e-mail addresses.
  4. Where print out of a judgment/order, uploaded in CIS/ DJDG, is presented before any Court/Tribunal subordinate to the High Court or before any Authority or Person, the authenticity of such judgment/order shall be ascertained by such Court/Tribunal or Authority or Person by comparing the same with the judgment/order uploaded in CIS/ NJDG, and wherever,authenticity has been so ascertained, the said Court/Tribunal, Authority or Person shall not press for the certified copy, and shall act upon it, as if the judgement/order, as presented above, is the certified copy.
  5. The time for filing of hard and duly signed copies of Petitions, Applications,Replies, Counters, Papers, Documents etc., copies of which were e-filed under the Notification No. 86/ UHC/Admin.B/2020 dated 11.04.2020 of the High Court of Uttarakhand, is extended till 15.06.2020 (Monday).

Read the notification here;


-India Legal Bureau


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