The Gujarat High Court has hauled Morbi Nagar Palika (MNP) for not taking any initiative to take over the Julto Pul (Morbi bridge) from the private contractor along with being careless with the warn...
The Supreme Court Collegium has recommended the names of two additional judges to be made permanent judges in Chhattisgarh High Court.
The name of the Judges include Justice Narendra Kumar ...
The names of two lawyers and six judicial officers have been recommended by the Supreme Court Collegium for appointment as judges of the Rajasthan High Court.
It was during the Collegium meet on ...
The Supreme Court Collegium on thursday recommended transfer of some judges of the High Court
In a significant development,the seven judges who have been recommended for transfer in Collegium mee...
The examination of Supreme Court Advocate-on-Record (AoR) for 2022 will be conducted from December 19 to 22.
The information was shared on the website of the Supreme Court by way of a notice,...
The Delhi High Court has refused to quash a trial court order against former Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) councillor, Tahir Hussain in a money laundering case which was related to the North-east D...
The Supreme Court on Thursday launched its online portal for e-filing Right to Information (RTI) applications and first appeals. The online portral has been created for people to access information a...
The Supreme Court has launched the online portal for the citizens to thfile applications under the Right to Information Act (RTI Act) in relation to the apex court today.
The portal can be ac...
The Apex court was apprised that tenders to establish an online portal which will provide real-time information on mental health facilities across the country right down to the district level have b...
The Supreme Court has launched the test version of an online portal, which later can be used for filing applications under the Right to Information Act (RTI Act).
The website can be used for ...