The Sessions Court in Gautam Buddha Nagar recently denied bail to a South Korean woman and 3 other UP residents in a case registered under the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Ordinance 2020
Tandav, the Amazon Prime series, stars Saif Ali Khan and is said to be a political thriller, an Indian attempt at something like House of Cards. The controversy is situated on claims that some dialogues in the series mocks Hinduism. The makers have claimed that they have deleted the offensive remarks.
The Petitioner said there are less than 600 voters in the Uttar Pradesh Sunni Central Waqf Board. In this type of situation, elections should be held following proper physical distancing norms.
The Delhi High Court on Friday issued a notice in a Public Interest Litigation to several social media organizations and media houses for the alleged disclosure of the identity of the victim of Hathras rape case.
The Allahabad High Court will hear on January 15 the pleas challenging the Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Ordinance, 2020.
The Allahabad High Court on Thursday said that Public land in the State of Uttar Pradesh is most vulnerable to encroachment and such encroachment "over such public land is not countenanced by the legislature."
The petitioner said that he had disclosed this to the managing director, which led to his arrest. The authorities have maliciously implicated him without concrete evidence, he is innocent.