The Allahabad High Court has imposed a cost of Rs 10,000 on the Secretary of Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Council (UP Board) Prayagraj for giving average marks by showing an absentee student in high school examination and harassing her unnecessarily.
The petition has been filed by the Uttar Pradesh Amateur Boxing Association challenging the unilateral decision of President Ajay Singh delaying the elections.
Investigating Officer Seema Pahuja and CBI officer appeared in the Hathras District Court today. The CBI filed the charge-sheet in the Special SC/ST Court.
The petitioner has submitted that the true danger with this new so-called "love jihad" law lies not in its explicit textual basis, which seems fairly innocuous prima facie. Instead, its threat lies in its ambiguity
Uttar Pradesh Governor Anandiben Patel today signed the UP Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Ordinance 2020, promulgated by the government.
Prayagraj (ILNS): With the level of air pollution in Uttar Pradesh reaching dangerous levels in many cities, the issue has reached the high court. The Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court asked the government to clarify what steps have been taken to stop this.
The Supreme Court bench of Justices SA Bobde, AS Bopanna and V Ramasubramanian said: “There was an unfair reporting about this matter when it was adjourned on the previous occasion.”
New Delhi (ILNS): Uttar Pradesh is as lawless as it can get. As the news of two minor Dalit sisters emerged, with their family alleging murder after a failed rape bid, the Fatehpur police, without any care for the Supreme Court’s directive, released the names of the three deceased to the media.